сентября 14, 2011

RAC снова промасштабировался дальше самой большой SMP

ORACLE RAC снова промасштабировался дальше самой большой SMP:
740250 saps на 6 x Sun Fire X4800 M2, 8 processors / 80 cores Xeon Processor E7-8870, 2.40 GHz
для сравнения самая большая железячка на сегодняшний момент:
688630 saps  IBM Power 795, 32 Processors / 256 Cores POWER7, 4 Ghz


12 комментариев:

Анонимный комментирует...

SAP на Oracle? RAC?

Да ну его в баню такое щастье.

Chris Eaton комментирует...

Wow, 88% more processor cores (480 with Oracle/Sun vs. 256 with DB2/Power) just to get 6% more performance?


Yo! комментирует...

cluster + oracle software cheaper than p795 + ibm software. and faster ...

Chris Eaton комментирует...

No it's not. Perhaps you missed the fact that Oracle increased the price for Oracle running under SAP systems by 36% in July. This was an SAP benchmark afterall and now Oracle charges 15% of the SAP application license price where as DB2 is still only 8%. So even if you ran on exactly the same hardware and they got the same perf (which they don't by the way, it's lower according to customer migrations I've seen) you pay almost 2x for the software on the same boxes.

PS. I apologize that I can't comment in Rusian

Chris Eaton комментирует...

Yikes, not only can I not comment in Russian, it would appear that I have a hard time spelling it. Sorry for that.

Yo! комментирует...

If you understand my english we can talk in english. :) this is not a problem.
p795 box will cost more then $12M (without storage), oracle cluster hardware will cost less than $1M. I I think there are no chance to beat oracle in total software+hardware price on this configuration.

Chris Eaton комментирует...

Don't forget to include software prices. The list price for Oracle EE+RAC+Partitioning (i.e. the features used in the benchmark) with 1yr support comes out to $24mill US. For DB2 the list price including 1st year support is only $12mill US. Oh and that doesn't include diagnostic and tuning pack from Oracle which most people will need but is included with DB2 base price. So now go to apples-to-apples hardware and DB2 can save lots of money for SAP customers.

Yo! комментирует...

few minutes ago you saying "Oracle charges 15% of the SAP application license" vs "DB2 is still only 8%". something changed in this time ?

Chris Eaton комментирует...

15% does not include RAC when you look at (at least by my math) 15% is already almost 2x the 8% of DB2 (add in RAC and you are at more than 2x).

Now in this case we don't have the SAP license cost so we use the non OEM since all we have is the hardware config. And to no surprise Oracle is still 2x (24mill vs 12mill). So OEM version or non OEM version it seems that DB2 is half the cost of Oracle.

Don't get me wrong here...I'm not saying Oracle is a really bad database...it's not. It's just that when people run a business they want to save money if they can and clearly DB2 is good for SAP systems and saves money.

Yo! комментирует...
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Yo! комментирует...

Why do you think 7% difference can compensate $12M difference in hardware costs ? I think no chance ...

If we compare non OEM
oracle cluster: $1M hardware + $24M software
p795 : $12M hardware + $13.3M software

I don't see any "half the cost of Oracle". Oracle cluster cheaper and faster.

oracle software =(47500+11500+23000)*0.5*6*10*8*1.22
p795 software =433*8*32*120

db2 prices

Chris Eaton комментирует...

Well if a client really needed 480 or 256 cores for their SAP database, I shudder to think of what the SAP application license cost would be (7% adding up to $12mill might not be far off here).
But don't take my word for the cost savings for DB2 under SAP. Ask real world customers that have made the move like IWB "We estimate that database operational costs have been cut by 68 per cent." or Banco de Credito del Peru "We switched from Oracle Database to IBM DB2 and cut our data management costs in half" or Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen or Knorr-Bremse "With DB2, we estimate that the maintenance costs are approximately 30 percent lower and the license costs around 15 percent lower."
The list goes on and on and I can point you to litterally hunreds more if you like.