июня 07, 2005

SQL 2005 и версионный механизм в TPC-H тестах

наконец-то дождались теста версионного механизма юкона. HP и Bull опубликовали тесты SQL 2005 на практически одинаковом железе, но судя по описанию теста HP тестировал в блокировочном режиме, тогда как Bull в версионном. как и ожидалось режим snapshot не добавил скорости sql2005 даже в TPC-H тестах.

HP Integrity rx8620
NovaScale 5160


4.3.1 Isolation Test 1 - Read-Write Conflict with Commit
Demonstrate isolation for the read-write conflict of a read-write transaction and a read-only transaction when the
read-write transaction is committed)
The following steps were performed to satisfy the test of isolation for a read-only and a read-write committed
1. An ACID Transaction was started for a randomly selected O_KEY, L_KEY and DELTA. The ACID
Transaction was suspended prior to Commit.
2. An ACID query was started for the same O_KEY used in step 1. The ACID query blocked and did not see any
uncommitted changes made by the ACID Transaction.
3. The ACID Transaction was resumed and committed. The ACID query completed. It returned the data as
committed by the ACID Transaction.

4.3.1 Read-Write Conflict with Commit
Demonstrate isolation for the read-write conflict of a read-write transaction and a read-only transaction when the read-write transaction is

1. An Acid transaction was started for a randomly selected O_KEY, L_KEY, and DELTA. The Acid transaction was suspended
prior to COMMIT.
2. An ACID query was started for the same O_KEY used in Step 1. The ACID query completed and did not see the uncommitted
changes made by the Acid transaction.
3. The Acid transaction was COMMITTED.

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